Downloads Archive

Last modified by Scott Gagan on 2021/12/16 19:55

This page lists the all versions of iSymphony available for download. View the article on how to Determine Your iSymphony Version.

Current Release






(Release Notes | Change Log | Upgrade Notes

Important Upgrade Information

This version contains upgraded websocket push libraries (moving away from jquery push methods to plain javascript push). The side effect of this is that end users may get a "unable to load push" message when upgrading from any previous version(s) in a BIG RED BANNER at the top of the page when opening the client or administrator web interfaces after upgrading to this version.  If a user obtains this message, they should clear their browser cache or reload the page bypassing and refreshing the local cache (CTRL+F5 or Shift+Click Reload Button) or equivalent in the end-user's browser.

Future upgrades will not require this step as HTTP headers should now disable caching and the proper version should always be downloaded.


 72 MB

Jul 30, 2020

Desktop Client Installers

255 MB

Aug 24, 2017

1 Indicates this version is a maintenance release with tagged date of the minor version.

Older Releases

Failed to execute the [error] macro. Cause: [The required content is missing.]. Click on this message for details.

Development Builds

These builds are based off of the latest development code base and serve as a preview of the upcoming stable release. These builds are in Beta state and come with **no warranty or guarantee of support**, so utilize at your own risk.

Make sure to backup the entire **/opt/isymphony3/** directory before upgrading to development versions of the server, in case you need to revert back to the original version.

Version 2 Builds

