"id": "56cf70a3-1ee0-4b09-8f40-297430eeeddf",
"username": "4224",
"password": "e5e9fa1ba31ecd1ae84f75caaa474f3a663f05f4",
"enabled": true,
"full": true,
"displayName": "Steve S",
"lastPasswordChangedAt": null,
"permissionDisplayName": "Steve S",
"permissionId": "56cf70a3-1ee0-4b09-8f40-297430eeeddf"
| | |
| | Configuration id of the user. |
| | |
| | SHA-1 hash of the user's password. |
| | Flag specifying if the user is enabled. |
| | Flag specifying if the user is a full or lite user. |
| | The display name for the user. |
| | The last time the user changed their password from the client interface. Represented as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Can be null. |
| | Display name of the user in the permission system. This value is read only. |
| | Permission id of the user. This value is read only. |
communication_manager/rest/config/core/{coreServerId}/users |
| Accesses all the users in the core server. |
| Gets all the users in the core server. |
| Adds a user to the configuration. InformationThis resource URL will take in a plain text password for the user and create a SHA-1 hashed version of it in the configuration. If you want to pass in a pre-hashed version of the password that will be stored without modification you can use the following URL instead: communication_manager/rest/config/core/{coreServerId}/users/noHash Errors: - 409 'A user with the given id already exists.': Returned if a user with the given id already exists.
- 409 'A user with the given username already exists.': Returned if a user with the given username already exists.
- 412 'No username provided.': Returned if no username was provided.
- 412 'No password provided.': Returned if no password was provided.
communication_manager/rest/config/core/{coreServerId}/users/{userId} |
| Accesses the configuration of a specific user. Parameters: - userId: The configuration id of the user.
| Gets the configuration of the specified user. Errors: - 404 'A user with the given id does not exist': Returned if no user exists with the given id.
| Updates the specified user configuration. InformationThis resource URL will take in a plain text password for the user and create a SHA-1 hashed version of it in the configuration. If you want to pass in a pre-hashed version of the password that will be stored without modification you can use the following URL instead: communication_manager/rest/config/core/{coreServerId}/users/noHash/{userId} Errors: - 404 'A user with the given id does not exist': Returned if no user exists with the given id.
- 409 'A user with the given username already exists.': Returned if a user with the given username already exists.
- 412 'No username provided.': Returned if no username was provided.
- 412 'No password provided.': Returned if no password was provided.
| Deletes the specified user configuration. Errors: - 404 'A user with the given id does not exist': Returned if no user exists with the given id.
communication_manager/rest/config/core/{coreServerId}/users/{userId}/userStatusColors |
| Access the sub/child resource for the colors the user has set for call status in the client. Parameters: - userId: The configuration id of the user.
Errors: - 404 'A user with the given id does not exist': Returned if no user exists with the given id.
See User Status Color Configuration for more information. |
curl --user manager:manag3rpa55word -k -i -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:58080/communication_manager/rest/config/core/ee828da8-5ee6-412d-82ac-1273f598659d/users
curl --user manager:manag3rpa55word -k -i -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:58080/communication_manager/rest/config/core/ee828da8-5ee6-412d-82ac-1273f598659d/users/56cf70a3-1ee0-4b09-8f40-297430eeeddf
curl --user manager:manag3rpa55word -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d '{"id":"56cf70a3-1ee0-4b09-8f40-297430eeeddf","username":"4224","password":"mypassword","enabled":true,"full":true,"displayName":"Steve S","lastPasswordChangedAt":null,"permissionDisplayName":"Steve S","permissionId":"56cf70a3-1ee0-4b09-8f40-297430eeeddf"}' http://localhost:58080/communication_manager/rest/config/core/ee828da8-5ee6-412d-82ac-1273f598659d/users
curl --user manager:manag3rpa55word -k -i -X DELETE http://localhost:58080/communication_manager/rest/config/core/ee828da8-5ee6-412d-82ac-1273f598659d/users/56cf70a3-1ee0-4b09-8f40-297430eeeddf
curl --user manager:manag3rpa55word -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"id":"56cf70a3-1ee0-4b09-8f40-297430eeeddf","username":"4224","password":"mynewpassword","enabled":true,"full":true,"displayName":"Steve S","lastPasswordChangedAt":null,"permissionDisplayName":"Steve S","permissionId":"56cf70a3-1ee0-4b09-8f40-297430eeeddf"}' http://localhost:58080/communication_manager/rest/config/core/ee828da8-5ee6-412d-82ac-1273f598659d/users/56cf70a3-1ee0-4b09-8f40-297430eeeddf