Filter streams

Last modified by Scott Gagan on 2024/04/16 21:09

Current conversion


The encoding to use to parse the content java.lang.String
The source to load the wiki from org.xwiki.filter.input.InputSource Supported formats are file:<path in server> (e.g. file:/home/myuser/target.ext) and url:<url> (e.g. url:http://myserver/some/file/to/parse.ext). When empty it read the request input stream.
verbose boolean
The encoding to use when serializing XML java.lang.String
Indicate if the output XML should be formated boolean
The target where to save the content org.xwiki.filter.output.OutputTarget Supported format is file:<path in server> (e.g. file:/home/myuser/target.xml). When empty it send a file named target to the browser.
verbose boolean
