On this page:
iSymphony allows for granular control over every profile and the actions that they can perform. All permissions are Profile->Object based where an "Object" is the profile's local extensions, a remote extension, the parking lot, a queue, or a conference room. For example you can specify what actions profile "John" can perform on queue "Main Queue". There are three different tiers of permissions. Default, Group, and Override and can be configured in the Server, Permission Group, and Profile configuration pages respectively.
Default permissions are permissions that are used system wide if no other permissions have been specified. These will usually specify the permissions that the majority of the users will be given. These permissions can be accessed in the Server Configuration page.
Permission groups are used to create a set of permissions that will be used by a group of users if they will be sharing the same permissions. In the permission configuration screen for a group you can specify if you wish to apply these permissions for all objects by selecting the "Apply permissions to all" check box or you can specify unique permissions for specified objects by checking them off in the object list. Group permissions will override default permissions. These permissions can be accessed via the Permission Group Configuration page.
Overrides allow you to specify unique permissions for a given profile if you do not wish to use the default permissions, the profile doesn't fit in a permission group, or you wish to have a group member's permissions slightly modified from what the group specifies. Configuration of permission overrides are similar to group permissions with the exception that you have to select "Activate" in the permission configuration to utilize them. Overrides will override both default and group permissions. You can access the Permission Overrides from the Profile Configuration page.
Permission Glossary
My Extension Permissions
Call Cell Phone: | Allows users to call their local extension's cell phone. |
Call Voice Mail: | Allows users to call their local extension's voice mail. |
Record: | Allows users to record their local extension's calls. |
Add Extension Directory: | Allows users to create new extension directories. |
Add Temp Conference Rooms: | Allows users to create temporary conference rooms. |
Hold Calls: | Allows users place calls on hold. |
Hangup: | Allows users to hangup their local extension's calls via the panel. |
Set User Status: | Allows users to set their local extension's availability status. |
Set User Status Note: | Allows users to set their local extension's note in return time. |
Transfer Call To Voice Mail: | Allows users to transfer calls to their local extension's voice mail. |
Transfer Call To Cell Phone: | Allows users to transfer calls to their local extension's cell phone. |
Mute: | Allows users to mute or un-mute their local extension's calls if in a conference room or a barged call. |
Agent Login: | Allows users to log in or out of their local extension's agents. |
Listen to Voice Mail: | Allows users to listen to their voice mail. |
Delete Voice Mail: | Allows users to delete their voice mail. |
Move Voice Mail: | Allows users to move their voice mail to other folders. |
Pause Member: | Allows users to pause themselves in a queue. |
Set Do Not Disturb: | Allows users to set their extension's do not disturb state. |
Extension Permissions
Call Voice Mail: | Allows users to call another extension's voice mail. |
Transfer Call To Voice Mail: | Allows users to transfer calls to another extension's voice mail. |
Record: | Allows users to record another extension's calls. |
Email: | Allows users to email another extension. |
Barge: | Allows users to barge in on another extension's calls. |
Chat: | Allows users to initiate a chat session with another extension. |
View Calls: | Allows users to see another extension's call status. |
Transfer To: | Allows users to transfer calls to another extension. |
Steal Call: | Allows users to transfer (steal) calls from another extension. |
Originate To: | Allows users to originate a call to another extension. |
Call Cell Phone: | Allows users to call another extension's cell phone. |
Transfer Call To Cell Phone: | Allows users to transfer calls to another extension's cell phone. |
Agent Login: | Allows users to log another extension in or out of their agents. |
View Caller ID: | Allows users to see another extension's caller ID. |
Forward Voice Mail To: | Allows users to forward voice mail to another extension. |
Set User Status: | Allows users to set the status of another extension. |
Set User Status Note: | Allows users to set the status note and return time of another extension. |
Pause Member: | Allows users to pause another extension in a queue. |
Set Do Not Disturb: | Allows users to set another extension's do not disturb state. |
Parking Lot Permissions
Park Call: | Allows users to park calls. |
Set Parked Call Note: | Allows users to set park call notes. |
Un-park Call: | Allows users to take a call out of park. |
Queue Permissions
Steal Call: | Allows users to dynamically transfer (steal) calls from a queue. |
Transfer To: | Allows users to transfer calls into a queue. |
Dynamic Login: | Allows users to log into a queue dynamically. |
Display: | Allows users to view this queue. |
Conference Room Permissions
Steal Call: | Allows users to transfer (steal) calls from a conference room. |
Transfer To: | Allows users to transfer calls into a conference room. |
Originate To: | Allows users to originate to or invite other extensions into a conference room. |
Mute Users: | Allows users to mute or un-mute conference room members. |
Kick Users: | Allows users to kick conference room members. |
Display: | Allows users to view this conference room. |