Multi-Tenant Configuration

Version 2.1 by michaely on 2012/02/02 16:52

iSymphony supports multi-tenant environments via context based routing and a peer naming convention. Each tenant will have it's own context with it's respective name. Once configured, iSymphony will allow individual users of these tenants to login without seeing the other tenant's extensions.


Lets say we have the following situation:

  • One Asterisk server with two tenants
  • Peers are named in with the convention : SIP/<ext>-<tenant id>. Where <ext> is the extension number and <tenant id> is the identifier of the tenant.
  • Main context entries for each tenant are created with the convention from-inside-<tenant id> where <tenant id> is the identifier of the tenant.
  • The tenant ID's are "tenant1" and "tenant2"
  • Both tenants contain two extensions, each with the extension number 100 and 200, for a total of 4 extensions.

The peer and context structure does not have to follow the structure in the example. The peer names simply have to contain the tenant identifier.

Note that the Parking lot will be disabled in multi-tenant mode.

The properties for the tenants would be as follows. Besides these values all other configuration is the same as any Asterisk install. (see the Tenant Configuration section for more details):

 Name : tenant1
 Redirecting Context : from-inside-tenant1
 Originating Context : from-inside-tenant1

 Name : tenant2
 Redirecting Context : from-inside-tenant2
 Originating Context : from-inside-tenant2


