
Version 5.2 by michaely on 2021/09/10 22:33
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Important - Please Read Before Updating

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Upgrading From iSymphony 2.0.x/2.2.x to 2.8.x

  1. Log into the Administration panel in an iSymphony client. See Connecting to the Administration Interface for more information.
  2. Click on Server to open up the server properties window.
  3. Select Check for Updates and the update will begin downloading and installing.

     Once the update is complete your clients will not longer be able to connect to the server.

  4. Once the update is complete the server will not be running. See Starting, Stopping and Restarting the Server for instructions on how to start the server.
  5. If you are using the FreePBX iSymphony module make sure to upgrade to the latest version available in the downloads section.
  6. Uninstall all existing clients form their respective workstations.
  7. Re-install all clients using the web based install mechanism. See Client Installation and Uninstallation


You have two different options for updating your server to the latest version of iSymphony. Upgrades should be performed at a time when the system is not in use to reduce down time. We recommend that the manual update procedure only be used if the automated procedure fails or an automated update is not an option.

If using the FreePBX Module make sure to update it to the latest version.


  1. Open the iSymphony Client Administration window (See Administration section).
  2. Select Server to open your server configuration page.
  3. Select Check for Updates button.

The update will be downloaded and unpacked on the server. Once this is done the server will shutdown and apply the server portion of the update. The server will then automatically restart. The clients will then need to be restarted in order to update themselves to the new client version.

Once the update is complete the server may not be running. See Starting, Stopping and Restarting the Server for instructions on how to start the server if it is not running.


  1. Back up all files in /opt/isymphony/server/config.
  2. Shutdown the server.


  3. Download and run the new install.


  1. If using the RPM:

    rpm -Uvh iSymphonyServer*<version>*.rpm

    Or if you're using the TAR:

    tar xzvf iSymphonyServer*<version>*.tar.gz
    <path to extracted package>/install.sh

  2. Restore all backed up files to /opt/isymphony/server/config.
  3. Restart the server.


  4. New clients can be installed over the old ones.

