Chat Settings

Version 3.2 by michaely on 2021/09/10 22:33

There are several options available if you're using the chat capabilities. To access these go to Tools > Preferences then click on the Chat section.

  • Play sounds when messaged are sent - If checked an audible chime will be played when messages are sent or received.
  • Flash user chat session tab on new message - If checked the chat session tab in the panel will flash to indicate a new unread message.
  • Flash chat window tab on new message - If checked the main chat window will flash if one of the sessions contained in it contains a new unread message.
  • Flash task bar icon on new message - If checked the icon in the application task bar item will flash to indicate a new unread message.
  • Flash tray icon on new message - If checked the the application system tray icon will flash to indicate a new unread message.
  • Display domain name in the chat user tab - If un-checked the domain name will be striped out of the Jabber ID in the Chat session tabs.
  • Popup incoming message notification if window is minimized or in the tray - If checked a popup will appear to inform the user of a new incoming message if the window is minimized or in the tray.
  • Popup incoming message notification if window is open - If checked a popup will appear to inform the user of a new incoming message if the window is open.
  • Show previous chat session - If checked the previous chat session for the specified user will be displayed when a new session with that user is started. NOTE: this requires that chat logging be enabled in the location properties page (See Location Configuration)
  • Popup width - The width in pixels of the chat popups. 0 = auto
  • Popup height - The height in pixels of the chat popups. 0 = auto
  • Popup font size -The font size of the chat popup text. 0 = default
  • Incoming chat notification popup duration = The time in seconds to leave the chat popups open. 0 = indefinite 