Agent Operation Permissions

Version 1.1 by michaely on 2021/09/09 18:01

The following is a list of the agent operation permissions. These permission specify what actions a user can perform on queue agents.


Applies To


Login/Logout an Agent

Extensions, Users, User Groups, Queues

Controls whether a user is allowed to log an extension into or out of a queue.

This permission controls which extensions the user is allowed to log into a queue, and which queues the user is allowed to log agents into. In order to allow agent logins, the permission needs to allow the user to log in the extension, and allow the user to log into the queue as well.


  • The visibility of the Queue action button. If the users is not allowed to perform any agent actions on any of their assigned extension or any of the queues, the Queue action button will be hidden.
  • The visibility of the Login/Logout button, in the Queue action dialog.
  • The visibility of the Agent button on in the Users Widget. If the users is not allowed to perform any agent actions on the extension or any of the queues, the Agent button will be hidden in the Users Widget.
  • The visibility of the Login option, in the Agent button menu, in the Users Widget.
  • The visibility of the Agent Logout button, in the agent section of the Queue widget.
  • The visibility of the Extension, in the agent login button list, in the agent section of the Queue Widget.
  • The visibility of the Agent Login button in the Agent section of the Queue Widget. If the user does not have permission to log into the currently selected queue, in the Queue Widget, the agent login button will be hidden.

Pause an Agent

Extensions, Users, User Groups

Controls whether a user is allowed to pause an agent (extension) in a queue.


  • The visibility of the Queue action button. If the users is not allowed to perform any agent actions on any of their assigned extension or any of the queues, the Queue action button will be hidden.
  • The visibility of the Pause button, in the Queue action dialog.
  • The visibility of the Agent button on in the Users Widget. If the users is not allowed to perform any agent actions on the extension or any of the queues, the Agent button will be hidden in the Users Widget.
  • The visibility of the Pause option, in the Agent button menu, in the Users Widget.
  • The visibility of the Pause Agent button, in the agent section of the Queue widget.

Set an Agents Penalty

Extensions, Users, User Groups

Controls whether a user is allowed to set an agent's (extension's) penalty (used for skills-based routing) in a queue.


  • The visibility of the Queue action button. If the users is not allowed to perform any agent actions on any of their assigned extension or any of the queues, the Queue action button will be hidden.
  • The visibility of the Set Penalty button, in the Queue action dialog.
  • The visibility of the Agent button on in the Users Widget. If the users is not allowed to perform any agent actions on the extension or any of the queues, the Agent button will be hidden in the Users Widget.
  • The visibility of the Set Penalty option, in the Agent button menu, in the Users Widget.
  • The visibility of the Set Penalty button, in the agent section of the Queue widget.