
Last modified by koryl on 2021/09/09 20:55

On this page:

The Users configuration page allows administrators to manage the end users of the system along with their login credentials and other information. You can access the Users configuration page by selecting Users & Security -> Users from the Administration Interface menu.


Users can be enabled and disabled dynamically by selecting the enable/disable link in the Users Configuration page or using the enable checkbox in the User Configuration property page. User that are disabled will not show up in the panel and cannot be logged into.

Some Users may not be enabled due to restrictions on your license.

User Properties

Core Settings



The username of the user. Used by the user to log into the client.


The password of the user. Used by the user to log into the client.


If checked the User will be enabled.


Marks this user as a full user. Full users have access to all the functionality of the panel that the license allows. Non full users, or "lite" users, will only have access to limited functionality and will not show call state and cannot be accessed by other users in the system. The amount of users that can be made full users is limited by the license.

User Profile


First Name:

The First Name of the user. When set the First and Last name of the user will replace the username as the display string for the user in the client.

Last Name:

The Last Name of the user. When set the First and Last name of the user will replace the username as the display string for the user in the client.

Email Addresses:

Allows specification of the User's email addresses. Fill in the field with the email address and hit enter to add. Click the added item to edit or delete the email address.

Phone Numbers:

Allows specification of the User's alternative phone numbers. Fill in the field with the phone number and hit enter to add. Click the added item to edit or delete the phone number.

User Extensions


User Extensions:

Allows administrators to specify which extension belong to this user. These will be the extension that show up in the User's My Steam Widget.

User Shared Recording Extensions


User Shared Recording Extensions:

Allows administrators to specify which extension recordings to share with this user. Shared extension recordings will be displayed in the User's My Recordings widget in addition to their own extension recordings.

User Defaults



Specifies the User's default Extension. You can also specify if the user has permission to override their default Extension.

Status Colors


Status Colors:

Allows specification of the colors used to represent call and User state in the panel for the current User.

Apply Defaults:

Reverts all Status Colors to their default values.



Restrict This User:

If checked the user will only have access to the self permissions that are checked below. If unchecked the user will be granted all self permissions.

Change Their Password:

If checked the user will have the ability to change their own password.

Create Conference Room:

If checked the user will have the ability to create dynamically generated conference rooms.

Create Extension Group:

If checked the user will have the ability to create extension groups.
