XMPP Chat Server Setup

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/09/09 20:55

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The Chat system in iSymphony has the ability to be backed by an external XMPP Jabber server. This document covers the procedure to configure iSymphony to connect to an XMPP server.

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Failed to execute the [error] macro. Cause: [The required content is missing.]. Click on this message for details.

Setting Up The XMPP Server Connection

  1. Log into the iSymphony Administrator. See Connecting to the Administration Interface.
  2. Navigate to Settings -> System Settings.
  3. Change the Chat Provider from Default to XMPP.
  4. Set the Server Host to the hostname or IP of the XMPP server.
  5. If you have a self signed SSL/TLS certificate installed on your XMPP server check Allow Untrusted Certs under Additional Settings.
  6. If your XMPP user domain differs from the Server Host field specify the user domain in the Domain field under Additional Settings.
  7. Click Save.

Setting Up The XMPP User Login Credentials

  1. Once the XMPP Connection is setup, navigate to each iSymphony user that will be using chat (Users and Security -> Users -> <username>).
  2. Specify the XMPP Username and Password for the user under XMPP Profile.

    You DO NOT have to specify the domain name in the user name (i.e. myuser@mydomain.com)

    Failed to execute the [error] macro. Cause: [The required content is missing.]. Click on this message for details.

  3. Click Save.
Tags: chat xmpp jabber