Installing iSymphony

Version 3.1 by superadmin on 2021/09/09 18:31

This guide contains instruction for installing iSymphony on a server that is not currently running iSymphony. If you already have iSymphony installed, and want to upgrade to a later version, see the Upgrading iSymphony guide. 

iSymphony is designed to be installed by a system administrator. Basic knowledge of how to use a Linux shell is required. If you have never used a Linux shell before, or are unfamiliar with the process, contact us for details on professional installation.

Before Installing

Prior to installing iSymphony, be sure to review the iSymphony Requirements and Supported Platforms pages to ensure your environment meet the requirements. 

Installing iSymphony

The process of installing iSymphony depends on whether you are using a FreePBX-based configuration system or not. See the following pages for specific guides for each platform:

If you are using a configuration system that is not based on FreePBX, use the instructions for Asterisk Server (Vanilla) Installation
