Remote Installations

Version 2.1 by michaely on 2021/09/09 18:01
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When installing the iSymphony Server remotely from the PBX extra steps need to be taken in order for iSymphony to communicate with the remote PBX.

1. Setup The Remote Voicemail And Recording Agent

In order for the iSymphony server to know about voicemail and recording file activity on the remote PBX you must install and configure a Remote Agent on the PBX. See Remote Agents for information on how to install and configure a Remote Agent. 

The remote agent is not required however you will not have voicemail or recording management in browser if not set up.

2. Modify The PBX Connection Information

Depending on if you are using the iSymphony FreePBX module or not will determine where you modify this information.

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Vanilla Asterisk

  1. Open the file /etc/asterisk/manager.conf on the PBX.
  2. Add a permit entry into the iSymphony manager connection that specifies the IP of the iSymphony Server and save the file.

     secret = mysecret
     permit=[ip of the iSymphony Server]/
    read = all
    write = all
  3. Reload the Asterisk manager using the following command.

    asterisk -rx "manager reload"
  4. Log into the iSymphony Administration Interface. See Connecting to the Administration Interface for more information.
  5. Navigate to the settings for your PBX Connection and set the Host field to the IP or hostname of the remote PBX. This will tell iSymphony how to connect to the remote PBX. See PBX Connections for more information.


  1. Open the file /opt/isymphony3/server/conf/security.xml on the iSymphony Server.
  2. In the communication_manager SecurityContext add the IP of the PBX to the IPAccess WhiteList. See Security for more information.
  3. Restart the iSymphony Server. See Starting And Stopping The iSymphony Server for more information.
  4. Log into FreePBX.
  5. Navigate to Settings->Asterisk API/Manager Users->cxpanel and add a permit entry for the IP of the iSymphony Server by appending the following to end of the contents of the Permit section and save the configuration.

    &<IP of the iSymphony Server>/
  6. Navigate to the iSymphony FreePBX Module page. See FreePBX Module Administration for more information.
  7. If you are adding an additional PBX to your iSymphony Server instance make sure to change the Server Name property under Server Settings to something other than default. If you only have one PBX you can leave this value as default. See Core Servers for more information.

    Failed to execute the [error] macro. Cause: [The required content is missing.]. Click on this message for details.

  8. Modify the Server API Host field under Server Settings to the IP or hostname of the iSymphony Server. This tells the iSymphony FreePBX Module how to connect to the iSymphony Server.
  9. Modify the Asterisk Server Host field to the IP or hostname of the PBX. this tells the iSymphony Server how to connect to Asterisk.
  10. Modify the Client Host field to the IP or hostname of the iSymphony Server. This value is used to construct the URL to point to the iSymphony Client Interface. See FreePBX Module Administration for more information.
  11. Save the configuration and Apply Config in FreePBX.