iSymphony 3.2 Beta 2 ChangeLog

Version 6.3 by ryanp on 2021/09/09 20:55

The following is a complete list of changes made between iSymphony 3.2 Beta 1 and iSymphony 3.2 Beta 2. If you are upgrading from iSymphony 3.0.x, please see the changelog forĀ iSymphony 3.1.4 as well.


  • Users can now check the version of the current iSymphony server installation by running the following command:

    service iSymphonyServerV3 version

Resolved Bugs

  • Resolved an issue where some recording metadata would not appear in the Recording Widget, for extensions that are part of a FreePBX Find Me Follow Me configuration.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause the server.xml configuration file to get wiped out in some rare instances, preventing startup of the server.
  • Resolved an issue where the CDR database connection would cease to function after some time of inactivity, preventing recording metadata from populating properly.
  • Resolved an issue where call history items, with blank caller ID would be created, when listening to voicemail or recordings over the phone, or calling a queue, conference room, or parking lot directly.
  • Resolved an issue where the voicemail playback bar would not hide properly, when multiple voicemails were selected.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented some exception stack traces from being written to the log.
  • Resolved an issue where multiple CRM popups would open when a space was present in the URL.
  • Resolved an issue where the extension login button, above the Agent List in the Queue Widget, would still be visible if the user did not have permission to log agents into the currently selected queue.
  • Resolved an issue where an upgrade performed via the iSymphony Administration Interface or the script would fail, when the current JAVA_HOME path was not set to /usr/java/latest.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause client sessions to leak memory, eventually leading to OutOfMemoryErrors and server instability.
  • Resolved an issue that would sporadically prevent call state from appearing in the queue agent list.


  • The UNIQUEID variable is now available via the CRM widget, when using newer versions of Asterisk that do not report the UNIQUEID value as a channel variable over the AMI.
  • The startup scripts now verify the Java version before attempting to launch the server process. If the current installed version of Java  is not supported by the current iSymphony server installation, an error message will be displayed and the server startup will abort. 


  • Due to the new method of setting SIP headers for PJSIP endpoints, iSymphony will no longer auto answer any calls that are stolen from another extension, or transferred from a parking lot, if the destination of the call is a PJSIP endpoint. Auto answer, in these situations, will still fiction as before, if the endpoint is managed by the chan SIP driver. Auto answer, on origination from a PJSIP endpoint, will function correctly.