iSymphony 3.5.0 Beta ChangeLog

Last modified by ryanp on 2021/09/09 20:55

The following is a complete list of changes made between iSymphony 3.4.2 and iSymphony 3.5.0.

Failed to execute the [error] macro. Cause: [The required content is missing.]. Click on this message for details.


  • Queue Alerts
    • Configurable alert sets that allow specifying alert type, thresholds, highlight color, and notifications.
      • Control alert sets with user and group based permissions.
      • Add alert sets to as many queues as needed.
    • Queue Widget highlights customizable colors on the appropriate element when thresholds are triggered.
    • Notifications will be displayed, if enabled for the alert, when a threshold is triggered.
  • Externalized Language Support
    • Default language packs can be exported and modified, allowing administrators to add locales with internationalization.


  • script has been updated to be provide more user friendly feedback and work with systems that have set JAVA_HOME environment variable.

  • Improved the queues handling of statistics and call events, greatly improving the performance and render times.

  • Improved memory management for systems under enough load to trigger max heap GC. Could previously result in a run away situation in some instances, should now release resources in a more graceful manner.

  • Improved the way My Stream history was being loaded, improving the performance for systems with a large number of historical records.

Resolved Bugs

  • Resolved an issue where some AMI Events was being incorrectly cast.

  • Resolved an issue where the core server selection list was not updating properly.

  • Resolved an issue where an agent that was logged out of the queue could throw NullPointerExceptions after a property update.

  • Resolved an issue where user REST endpoint was not updating all of the fields.

  • Resolved an issue where administrator screen validation would add elements that were not being properly cleaned up when switching to a new page.

  • Resolved an issue where dialed phone numbers (not extensions) could get stuck in a ringing state.

  • Resolved an issue where TokenFields in admin would not update as expected.

