Presence Management

Version 2.1 by michaely on 2021/09/09 20:47

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The iSymphony Presence system allows Users to set specific information about their current Status that will be displayed to the other Users in the system.

Status Properties

A User's Status contains three different properties that make up the Status.


The Name property is what will be displayed to other Users in the Users Widget when the User is set to the specific Status.


The Note property allows Users to specify additional information about the Presence. The Note can be seen by hovering over the Status icon on the User Boxes in the Users Widget.

Return Time

The Return Time property allows Users to specify the date and time they will return. The Return Time can be seen by hovering over the Status icon on the User Boxes in the Users Widget.

Predefined Statuses

Administrators can create predefined Statuses that User can choose from in the Status configuration page in the iSymphony Administration Interface.

Setting Your Status

To set your Status you can select a Predefined Status from the user menu in the top right hand corner of the iSymphony Client Interface. If you wish to set a custom Status select Set Custom Status from the user menu.

Setting Another User's Status

To set a Status on another User click the User's Status icon on the User Box in the Users Widget. You can select one of the Predefined Statuses or set a custom status by selecting Set Custom Status.
