High CPU Usage or Call Quality Issues

Version 4.1 by colinw on 2014/09/15 15:56
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If iSymphony is using excessive amounts of CPU time, or is affecting call quality on the system it's installed on, here are a few things to check before opening a ticket with us. 


  1. Ensure that the hardware installed in the system running iSymphony is reasonably close to our Hardware Requirements. It doesn't need to exactly meet the recommendations, due to the inherent variability in requirements, but it should be close. 
  2. If you are using call detail records in MySQL, ensure that you have applied the index fix for the CDR database

Further Support

If you've checked the above items, and you're still having resource usage or call quality issues, feel free to open a ticket including the following information:

  1. The symptoms you're experiencing (e.g. high cpu usage, high network traffic, call quality issues, etc).
  2. The output of the following commands:

    $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
    $ free -m
    $ ps aux | grep -e "java.*isymphony3"
  3. All files in /opt/isymphony3/server/log.
  4. All files inĀ /opt/isymphony3/server/conf.

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