iSymphony Support Offerings

Version 28.1 by Sean Hetherington on 2014/08/04 21:46
Warning: For security reasons, the document is displayed in restricted mode as it is not the current version. There may be differences and errors due to this.

Support Levels

Support Plan Feature


Phone Support *

 As determined by support technician only. Level 1 - 1 hour Level 2 - 4 hours Level 3 - 8 hours Level 4 - 24 hours 

8 x 5


Technical Contacts*


* Depending on issue complexity, issues may not be resolved in one phone call.  For faster problem resolution, iSymphony engineers may also need to replicate certain problems locally and call customers back upon further diagnosis.
*** Number of license technical contacts that may contact iSymphony Support.


There is no valid license for Pro Macros. Please visit the Licenses section.


Support Response SLA's

Support Response SLA's

Failed to execute the [error] macro. Cause: [The required content is missing.]. Click on this message for details.

Supported Platforms

You can have confidence that our supported platforms are well tested and we will work to correct issues. iSymphony will not provide assistance with configuration in unsupported environments. See the pages below for detailed information on what platforms are supported with iSymphony products:

There is no valid license for Pro Macros. Please visit the Licenses section.

Addressing Security Issues

Please read our Security Policies page for information about iSymphony's approach to handling security issues.

Fixing Bugs and Providing Patches

  • iSymphony Support will help with workarounds and bug reporting
  • Patches are issued for current versions and one prior version for critical priority bugs only
  • Critical bugs will generally be fixed in the next maintenance release
  • Non critical bugs will be scheduled according to a variety of considerations
  • Customers are responsible for maintaining their patches during upgrades and server migrations

*Critical priority is defined as "production application down or major malfunction causing business revenue loss or high numbers of staff unable to perform their normal functions." This includes security issues.

For more detailed information, please visit these policy pages:

End of Life Policy

iSymphony supports major version releases for two years after the last minor iteration of that version was released (for example, we support iSymphony 2.8 for 2 years after the date it was released). This policy excludes security patch iterations (please refer to the Security Patch Policy).

There is no valid license for Pro Macros. Please visit the Licenses section.

Eligibility and Software Maintenance

Software maintenance covers access to support and software product updates for the corresponding software license. Refer to the End User License Agreement for specific terms of agreement. After the active maintenance period expires, the software will continue to function, but you will no longer be able to access support or software updates (including security patches). 

Support is open to system administrators and account holders. End-users will be redirected to a system administrator.

See iSymphony's bug fixing and patch policies for further discussion.

Knowledge Prerequisites

Administering iSymphony products requires a baseline technical skill set, including but not limited to:

  • Knowledge of Linux command line usage. 
  • Knowledge of basic PBX concepts such as extensions, peers, queues, conference rooms, call transferring, call origination, ect..
  • Knowledge of IPTables or other firewalls in use (may be needed for granting access to the client interface and communication with the iSymphony license server).

Customers are responsible for administering and upgrading their own installations. iSymphony Support will provide guidance on how to do this, but we will not be able to provide step by step maintenance and installation. If you require further assistance with this level of implementation, please consider the following resources:

Help with Unsupported Issues

Time and Materials (T&M)

If you need additional help, contact one us for a paid support quote.

Third-Party Product Integration

iSymphony products interface with a variety of technologies.

iSymphony will endeavour to provide documentation for integration with these 3rd party applications but does not provide support for 3rd party applications. We are unable to provide support when a failure in a 3rd party application occurs.

Beta and Development Releases

iSymphony does not offer support for milestone or beta releases, but we do support release candidates. These will be tracked with the terminology 'BETA' or 'RC' in the version title.

Databases and Application Servers

Servlet Containers and Databases are integral technologies; without them iSymphony products cannot function. We provide integration instructions for getting our products to work on supported platforms, but we do not support configurations that differ from the procedures described in our product documentation.

Customization and Development Requests

There are many ways to customise and extend our products. We provide source access, APIs, remote interfaces, and tools that allow users to add or change the way the product functions. However, our support for use of these customization options is limited.

If you're working to extend or customize our products and encounter a problem, iSymphony support are happy to help document the problem and relay information to our development teams as follows:

  1. We can help you verify whether our code is working as intended and document any bugs.
  2. If we provide examples of how to make customizations in our documentation, we will work to make sure that documentation is up-to-date.
  3. For in-depth questions about implementing customizations please submit a support ticket request.
SQL Queries
Modifying data

iSymphony does not support direct database INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries, as they can easily lead to data integrity problems. If we encounter customisations at this level, we may ask customers to restore data from their last known working state, or to engage an Expert to help recover their instance to a supportable state. If you are confident your UPDATE or INSERT is safe and your change management system is reliable, refer to the specific product's database documentation.

Fixing problems

In the event that there are data integrity problems due to defects in a product, iSymphony will provide workarounds or solutions to these problems that may involve SQL queries. We use SQL-based solutions as a last resort.


Using SQL for business intelligence is beyond the scope of iSymphony Support. 

Deployment Planning Activity

Planning for rolling out our products or capacity planning for large instances is better suited for service offerings than iSymphony Support. We will refer these requests internally to the correct department. This includes establishing specific upgrade and deployment plans for existing installations.

New Feature Requests

See Implementation of New Features Policy for a detailed discussion.


