Getting Started

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/09/09 20:56

On this page:

This document is intended for users who are new to iSymphony 3.0 and want to get a basic installation of iSymphony up and running. This document can also be used as a general setup guide.

1. Before You Start


Important Information for FreePBX Distro Users

If you are utilizing the FreePBX Distro from you may already have iSymphony installed and ready to go. If your FreePBX Distro comes with iSympohny V3 pre-installed you must enable the server with the console commands below, then you may skip to step 3 in this guide.

You can check to see if iSymphony is pre-installed by checking for the existence of the /opt/isymphony3 directory on the server.

Enabling the iSymphony server in the FreePBX Distro

By default the iSymphony server is disabled in the FreePBX Distro. You can run the following commands to enable it.

service iSymphonyServerV3 start
chkconfig iSymphonyServerV3 on

The second command above will ensure that the iSymphony server restarts on reboot of the server.

Once the iSymphony server is enabled, run an Apply Config in FreePBX to configure the iSymphony server.

Before you start, make sure that you review the iSymphony Requirements and Supported Platforms sections in order to ensure that your system supports iSymphony.

2. Installing iSymphony

Dependent on your utilization of a FreePBX based (or FreePBX derived, such as Trixbox or PBX In a Flash) configuration GUI for Asterisk, your installation method may vary.


All installation packages can be found in our Downloads Archive. We recommend utilizing the latest stable release, that supports your platform.

FreePBX Based Install

For installs that utilize a FreePBX based configuration GUI.


You can only use the FreePBX, Elastix and PBX in a Flash Installation instructions if using a system that is based on FreePBX 2.10+ due to the FreePBX version support of the iSymphony FreePBX module. If you are using a system based on a version of FreePBX below 2.10 you will have to use the Vanilla Asterisk Install instructions.

  1. Follow the FreePBX, Elastix and PBX in a Flash Installation instructions. 
  2. Familiarize yourself with the iSymphony FreePBX Module Administration sections.

Once these steps are complete you will have a fully functioning and configured install of iSymphony.

Vanilla Asterisk Install

For installations that do not utilize a FreePBX based configuration GUI.

  1. Follow the Asterisk Server (Vanilla) Installation instructions in order to get an iSymphony server installed and running.
  2. Log into the Administrator Interface. See Connecting to the Administration Interface.
  3. Change the default Administrator login credentials. See Administrators.
  4. Create a PBX Connection to your phone system. See PBX Connections.
  5. Configure your Extensions in iSymphony. See Extensions.
  6. Create iSymphony Users. See Users.
  7. Configure Queues. See Queues. (optional)
  8. Configure Conference Rooms. See Conference Rooms. (optional)
  9. Configure Parking Lots. See Parking Lots. (optional)
  10. Configure Statuses. See Statuses. (optional)

3. Applying Your License

If you have an iSymphony license apply it to your server. See Licensing.

4. Setup The Voicemail And Recording Resource Host

In order to playback voicemails and recordings directly in browser, you must set up the voicemail and recording resource hosts. See Voicemail And Recording Playback Host Setup.

5. Connect To The Client Interface

Log into the client interface. See Connecting to the Client Interface.

6. Familiarize Yourself With The Functionality Of The Client Interface

See the iSymphyony Users Guide for more information.