iSymphony 3.3.0 Upgrade Notes

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/09/09 20:56

This document contains information that is important to note when upgrading to iSymphony 3.3. Please be sure to completely read the information before upgrading. 


If you are upgrading from a 3.1.x system, make sure to read the iSymphony 3.2.2 Upgrade Notes  as well.

Notes For Users Who Have Made Custom Modifications To The jvm.args File (Including Remote Voicemail/Recording Agent Installations)


This issue only effects RPM upgrades. Upgrades performed via the Administration Interface or via the tarball are not effected.

This version of iSymphony contains a modification to the jvm.args file. If you have made modifications to the jvm.args file in the installation (i.e. to set the broker path for a remote voicemail/recording), and you are upgrading with the RPM, you may see a message like the following when running the RPM upgrade:

iSymphonyServerV3 warning: /opt/isymphony3/server/jvm.args saved as /opt/isymphony3/server/jvm.args.rpmsave

This means that your original jvm.args file has been overwritten with the new default version, and your original file has been saved as jvm.args.rpmsave. To retain your custom modifications, simply re-add the modifications in the new jvm.args file, using the jvm.args.rpmsave file as reference. Once the jvm.args file is configured to your liking, restart the iSymphony server for the changes to take effect.

End of Support Announcements

Support is being dropped for Asterisk version 1.8, 10, and 12. iSymphony will continue to officially support Asterisk version 11 and 13.

Support for the Oracle JRE v1.7 is being dropped. If you are running Java 7, you will need to upgrade to Oracle Java 8 or above. See the Supported Platforms page for more details.

JRE Upgrade

If you are currently running a JRE version of 1.7 or lower and you do not upgrade your JRE to version 1.8 or higher, iSymphony will fail to start with the following message:

Failed to start: The server requires a Java (JRE) version of 1.8, or higher

You can download the latest version of the JRE from the following page:

Verify that you are downloading the correct RPM for your system. For example if you are running a 64-bit FreePBX disto installation you will want to download the Linux x64 RPM. Installation instructions are provided on the page.

If you are not sure which architecture your server is running (64-bit vs 32-bit), you can run the following command:

uname -a

If you see X86_64 or amd64 you are running a 64-bit system. If you see i386 you are running a 32-bit architecture.

Upgrade Steps

Follow the standard upgrade instructions found in the Upgrading iSymphony document for all upgrades. 


You will also need to upgrade any voicemail and recording agent installations, as the protocol has changed.